Monday, April 5, 2010

Cd 1 and 2, Day 1 and 2

So going back in time a bit, I started this experience on Sunday April 4th at 134lbs, I am 5'5, so Im not over weight, just on my way to a flabbier me! I wanted something to do at home, I was tired of wasting so much time going back and forth to a crowded stinky gym, and my husband goes to the gym way to early for my taste, I am not a morning person, I see it as doing us both a favor by not going. The program says you should also follow their diet plan, but I don't like eggs very much and every day for breakfast guess what you get to eat? Thats right a 5 egg white omelet! But ohh goodly you get to add spinach! or mushrooms! yah no. I eat decent as it is, most mornings I have oatmeal with fruit, not even the ready made stuff, I put real fruit in there..I know amazing right? Lunches are usually soup with their meals, or soy products..again ew. I mean sure I like a good bowl of soup now and again, but everyday, I think Ill pass on that as well.

Ok Day 1.

As I said I am doing the Lean version with the upped cardio, and the first cd I used was Core Synergistics, and omg. Before we were even out of the warm up I was like wow, this sucks, but it sucked in a good way lol, I was already getting tired, not just like I think I'll take a nap, but like muscle fatigue tired. I pushed through to about half way through the hour long workout, and then my thighs said, ok thats enough for today! So I took a shower and took out the bike for awhile with the kids. Now while the workout was very intense, I felt 100% better after. It has been awhile since I was in any sort of "led" excercise and the push was nice, it always seems to drag the last bit out of you, pushing you more. So I was very happy with the cds so far and excited to keep going on Monday.

A few people have asked what made it so hard, it wasn't that the excercises were difficult they were just very repetitive and in this cd, we used weights. Ill rewatch the video so I can remember exactly what we did. So more on that later.

Day 2

Monday I got up got the kiddo off to school, we always ride our bikes together there, came home, did my oatmeal thing, and put in the next cd.

Cardio X:

Starts off really good, some deep stretching and yoga which is
great after the day before being such a muscle buncher. I have never done yoga with intensity though, maybe I was in the wrong yoga classes? oh noo I was in my moms YMCA yoga! haha jk, though they were at the Y. In this cd you move from one stance to another very quickly and hold them for a long period, and with pushups in between your body does start to yell at you, in a very good way. So after this portion, we moved into the Kenpo..! Ahh finaally something that I could get into. I used to teach box aerobics and we did alot of the same moves that the cd uses, just as Emeril would say, kicked up a notch, love that guy. This cds are like the difference in driving a civic and an Aston Martin, compared to other classes and such Ive taken, so its the same concept just you roll through them faster, and with more umph. Lots of normal martial arts types moves, kicking, punching, core body work.

Any way so that is Day 2, Im already a bit sore and wondering what tomorrow will hold, Im not big scale person, but after day 5 Ill weight myself just for giggles and see how its going, I should do a body fat calculation too but, Im not that intense lol.

P90X an Intro

It seems everyone is always trying to lose weight or find a way to excercise more. I was hoping I could just skim along with what I do everyday and not have to worry about it, I mean I eat decent, I get out, ride my bike to take my youngest to school. I would think that would be enough if not to get fit, atleast keep my current fitness level. Well..I was wrong. If you're a gamer at all, I play W.O.W, (world of warcraft) and we think we are funny, someone says "how did you die" and we always say, "my damage exceeded my hp" or in the case of fitness my calorie intake has obivously been exceeding my calorie output. I mean how more basic can it get really? I will be 33 this year, I used to work out 3-5 days a week, I was in great shape; but lately I have felt sluggish and found I was creaping pounds on and I did not like that, so last week I bought P90X, which is a fitness program sold on television and online. It has 3 dfferent programs you can choose from: Classic, Doubles, and Lean. The Classic is for people who want more upper body and muscle, the Doubles is for heavy hitters, the description the video uses is "a pro athete" and the last is the Lean, which is the one I am following and is more cardio based and more geared for women, who want fit but not bulk.

There are several questions people have been asking so far: what do I need to start, how much does it cost, and how do you like it. You will need a set of weights ( 10lbs or less each, for women I suggest 5 to start, even the guy on the video only uses 12lbs) , a door mounted pull up bar, these can be purchased as sets or seperatly, at walgreens or walmart, any of the general type stores. I bought the set with the pull up bar, push up hand rotators, and the straps for leg lifts for the bar(these are for ab work), it cost around $40. There is no need to drill holes or have to "install or mount" these products they just slide right on. Last thing you will need is a yoga mat or towel, something on the floor so you dont have your face on it, lots of ground level excercises. Probably the most important question for most is the cost.

The kit its self..though the price is varied on what you buy there are many packages, I bought just the bottom level, cds and book only. The other packages include the bars, whey protein drinks, suppliments, yoga mats, yoga blocks etc, you can see all the different packages on their website just google p90x.

120 + shipping and handling which was $20, this can be paid over the 30 days, so 1 $59 payment and 2 payments of $39. Shipping is paid up front. I chose to pay it all at once and it has a 90 day guarentee.

Ok so you made it through the boring part!

I was realllly excited to start this, I saw the infomercials, I heard about the intensity, it looked interesting and fun. Just to warn you I am one of those people who actually likes to work out, I like feeling that rush of "OMG" when you hit that point in a work out where you are tired, but you get that adrenalin kick and want more! This is where I will point out, if you are not into that..perhaps you should just go to Target and get a fitness dvd for 19.99. This is not your moms YMCA aerobics class. So for now, you will have to wait to hear about my day one, and you will want to hear this it was not pretty.